My Full Family Tree:
My Interview with my Grandparents
I sent a blind carbon copy of the two emails that I sent to my Grandpa's asking for more information about my family members.
Here is a prezi about some of my immediate family:
Here is an infographic about my family and where they came from
Friday, November 28, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.
For Thanksgiving I am not really going to do much. I will go over to my grandma's house and have lunch there with her. Later I will go home and probably eat dinner with our friends. Wednesday I will go driving for about an hour in my drivers ed class. Saturday is my friends birthday party, it is being celebrated by bubble soccer! Which is awesome because I have always wanted to try that. Sunday is my birthday, so I will probably just hang out and play/do some of my new stuff. I also have a soccer game that day and I will end up play one half of my soccer team with the other half of my soccer team (the indoor teams are really small so we split it half and half, we will end up playing each other that day). That is how my Thanksgiving weekend will go.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your experience with taking your stop-motion photos. What problems did you run in to? What did you find difficult about the process? What would you go back and change about HOW you took the photos? Explain yourself.
Tell me about your experience with taking your stop-motion photos. What problems did you run in to? What did you find difficult about the process? What would you go back and change about HOW you took the photos? Explain yourself.
We had a pretty easy time making our stop-motion photos. One of my biggest problems is that somebody smushed and destroyed my marshmallows. My partner and another partner also ate 50% of the marshmallows that I had so.... I have got to finish mine up on something different
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
What is your idea? How is your idea innovative and creative? How are you going to execute your idea?
I'm going to have marshmallows just move around, maybe have them spell out different things, stuff like that. It is creative because I'm pretty sure that nobody else is doing this idea or even thought about it in the class. I haven't really seen a video of people doing this yet. I'm going to get a lot of marshmallows and toothpicks to help them stay up. I could also have them fighting back and forth. Also, Happy Veteran's Day everybody. Also, happy halo the master chief collection release day.

Monday, November 10, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.
What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.
Stop motion is a type of way to film/take pictures of items. You take a picture of something, then change it ever so slightly and take another picture. Then later you take all the pictures and make them transition from one photo to the next very quickly so that it seems like it's at regular speed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your idea for your 5 frame story board. What is the plot? How do you plan to make the story creative? Who's the main character? What is the beginning, middle and end? Tell me about your plan of attack.
Tell me about your idea for your 5 frame story board. What is the plot? How do you plan to make the story creative? Who's the main character? What is the beginning, middle and end? Tell me about your plan of attack.
My five frame story board is pretty simple. It is about the transition of my siblings from watching a show then heading up to bed. My siblings are the main characters. It starts off with my Mom telling them it is time to go to bed. The middle is them whining. The end is me "carrying" them up the stairs. I already took the pictures.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday you edited and uploaded photos to your blog. Tell me more about your photos. HOW did you edit them? Why did you choose the photos that you did? Explain your assignment.
Yesterday you edited and uploaded photos to your blog. Tell me more about your photos. HOW did you edit them? Why did you choose the photos that you did? Explain your assignment.
I edited them on I chose them because I thought they were good or they had me in them. My assignment was to edited pictures and just try to change the overall look of them.
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