I don't know how it is for you, but this article sends me some mixed emotions, part of that might have to do with the fact that I am a teenager. I feel that the message that he is trying to convey is a good one, but I also disagree with some of the things that he said in it and I believe that he may have been a little too harsh. I do believe that we, teenagers, do need to start growing up. I don't believe that we should let go of the child inside of you. I believe that to live a happy life, you always need to have a little bit of that "childness". I also agree that teenagers need to work harder. We do need to develope more of a sense of responsibility. I do not think that I can completely stand next to his words of wisdom. He is too harsh with what he said and he seems that he is very angry at teenagers and maybe even at the world. It seems that the child inside him has gotten the better of his kempt up anger.